by VDT Attorneys | Jul 12, 2018 | Arrest, Court, Criminal, Litigation
Prescription in the general legal sense speaks to the time in which one can claim from another for a specific debt, and if not done, that claim can prescribe (fall away). Generally for civil claims, a well-known period of 3 years applies. But does criminal law have...
by VDT Attorneys | Apr 6, 2018 | Arrest, Criminal, Dispute resolution, Litigation
The South African Police may offer an arrested person the option of paying an admission of guilt fine, but only if the person has been arrested for a less serious offence, and so doing lighten the load of congested court rolls. This fine is paid before the accused...
by VDT Attorneys | May 8, 2017 | Arrest, Child, Family
The parental rights and responsibilities of parents and the interests of children are governed by the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 (“Children’s Act”) which dictates that the best interests of the child is always of paramount importance and must be the determining factor...
by VDT Attorneys | Oct 25, 2012 | Arrest, Traffic
Shock turns to anger and Alice prepares herself to go to court and complain about her treatment. Arriving at court unrepresented, Alice is again shocked to find that not only is she found guilty of speeding, but she now also receives a criminal record and has her...
by VDT Attorneys | Jun 19, 2012 | Arrest
Most individuals tend to believe that they will never be faced with the prospect of arrest as they are law abiding citizens. Whilst this may be the case, it is sensible to always be well-informed of your rights in the event of an arrest and what you may or may not do...