by VDT Attorneys | Feb 7, 2024 | Bond, Bond registration, Buying property, Property, Property Practitioners
1. Proper inspection of the property It is important to make sure that, as the Purchaser, you are happy with the current condition of the property. If there are any repairs or improvements that need to be made, these must be specifically included in the Agreement of...
by VDT Attorneys | Oct 20, 2022 | Bond, Title deed
Your title deed serves as proof of your ownership of a property, and as a result must be produced when certain property transactions are to be carried out, such as selling the property to another. For as long as a bank holds a mortgage bond over your property, the...
by VDT Attorneys | Jan 8, 2022 | Bond, Mortgage, Property
When you cancel your mortgage bond, most banks will contractually charge you a cancellation fee. Such fees can be for early termination of the bond or for giving less than 90 days notice of your intention to cancel. Unless your mortgage agreement is silent on the...
by VDT Attorneys | Aug 10, 2021 | Bond, Mortgage, Property, Property law, Purchaser, Residential, Transfer costs, Transfer process
You are correct. Buying a house is a big decision and does require you to be prepared for all the costs relating to the purchase, including potential attorney fees that may need to be paid. In practice, the general rule applied (unless the deed of sale deals with it...