by VDT Attorneys | Aug 14, 2019 | Boere, Collections, Credit Act, Credit agreements
Donald Fischer het op 1 Augustus in die GROOTplaas ateljee verduidelik wat ‘n #besoldigingsbevel is, en hoe die proses versonderstel is om te werk. Kyk gerus weer:
by VDT Attorneys | Oct 7, 2016 | Collections, Debt, Litigation
It is not correct that attachment orders, or legally more correct, emolument attachment orders (“EAO’s”), against your salary (generally, however incorrectly, referred to as ‘garnishee orders’) are no longer allowed and that these orders will now immediately be...
by VDT Attorneys | Dec 14, 2015 | Collections, Credit Act, Debt
Being listed as a ‘slow payer’ is not a new term or new form of blacklisting. Being listed as a slow payer was already possible under the Consumer Affairs (Unfair Business Practices) Act 71 of 1988 where you could be listed as a slow payer with the credit bureau if...
by VDT Attorneys | Sep 8, 2015 | Collections, Debt
A garnishee order – or legally more correctly – an emoluments attachment order (EAO), is an order that can be obtained by a creditor that permits the attachment of a debtor’s salary and places an obligation on the debtor’s employer to pay specified...