by VDT Attorneys | Apr 13, 2022 | BEE, Black shareholding, Foreigner, Naturalisation
The answer to this scenario depends on the following two main factors: 1) Did the person become a South African citizen prior to 27 April 1994?2) Did the person become a South African citizen on or after 27 April 1994 but was entitled to become a citizen through...
by VDT Attorneys | Sep 27, 2012 | Foreigner, Property, Transfer
Die antwoorde op hierdie vrae is van groot belang vir verhuurders en verkopers wat buitelandse huurders of kopers in gedagte het. In kort, die antwoord is ‘ja’ dit kan so maklik wees. Buitelanders se eiendomstransaksies is onderhewig aan dieselfde wetgewing en...
by VDT Attorneys | Sep 27, 2012 | Foreigner, Property
Is dit so maklik? Kan jy sommer net jou huis verhuur of verkoop aan hierdie buitelanders? Sal die transaksie geldig wees en is daar spesifieke vereistes vir so ‘n transaksie? Die antwoorde op hierdie vrae is van groot belang vir verhuurders en verkopers wat...
by VDT Attorneys | Jul 19, 2012 | Foreigner, Property
Can a foreigner lease or purchase immovable property in South Africa? And, if this is possible, what are the requirements for such a transaction to be valid? Also, can I lease or sell my property to any foreigner? The answers to these questions are pertinent to...