by VDT Attorneys | Oct 29, 2019 | Neighbour, Property, Sectional Title, Sectional Title and Community Schemes
Onwettige strukture? Honde wat aanhoudend blaf? Wie se parkering is dit nou eintlik? Karien Coetzee het op 22 Oktober 2019 met Pieter Cloete van GROOTfm 90.5 gesels oor kompleks-dramas en wat jy daaroor kan doen. Luister gerus weer: of...
by VDT Attorneys | Mar 7, 2019 | Agri, Agriculture, Boere, Farming, Litigation, Neighbour, Property
Grensheinings kan soms baie ongelukkigheid en ongemak tussen bure veroorsaak. Petrus van der Walt het verlede week op #GROOTplaas gesels oor grensheinings en wat die Omheiningswet hieroor te sê het. Kyk gerus die onderhoud weer...
by VDT Attorneys | Oct 26, 2018 | Conveyancing, Neighbour, Sectional Title, Sectional Title and Community Schemes
Complex living, euphemistically stated, is complex. There are several benefits to living in shared living accommodations such as complexes, apartments and retirement villages. They include increased security measures, affordability and shared maintenance...
by VDT Attorneys | Sep 12, 2016 | Construction, Neighbour
More and more home owners choose to rather expand or renovate their current homes than purchase a new property. Unfortunately, many home owners embark on this process without adhering to the applicable standards and regulations as set out in the National Building...
by VDT Attorneys | May 20, 2013 | Neighbour, Nuisance
Our courts have held that a resident in a town, and more particularly, a resident in a residential neighbourhood, is entitled to the ordinary comfort and convenience of his home, and if owing to the actions of his neighbour he is subjected to annoyance or...