by VDT Attorneys | Jun 14, 2021 | Dispute resolution, Information, Information and data protection, Litigation, Medical, Personal, Privacy
Disclosure of documents is a cornerstone of modern litigation and is intended to ensure a level playing field and so that parties cannot hide information or use information to ambush another party. Accordingly, our Court Rules prescribe specific methods in which...
by VDT Attorneys | Apr 6, 2018 | Litigation, Personal
It is a general principle in our law that no person may act on behalf of another, unless he has the necessary authority to do so. Such authorisation is commonly referred to as a Power of Attorney (“POA”). A POA is a formal document in terms of which the principal...
by VDT Attorneys | Sep 7, 2017 | Business, Information, Personal, POPI
The Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPI”), which has been signed into law, but has not yet come fully into effect, protects our rights to privacy by setting conditions and requirements for the processing of ‘personal information’, which is any...
by VDT Attorneys | Sep 8, 2015 | Antenuptials, Family, Marriage, Personal
Things change. What once seemed appropriate, a few years later may not. Fortunately, our law understands this and allows married couples to change their matrimonial property system at a later stage. But to dissuade flippant changes and to protect creditors, our law...
by VDT Attorneys | Sep 8, 2015 | Damages, Injury, Insurance, Personal
It always seems a bit unfair when someone tries to cast blame or tries to gain financial benefit for something silly they did. The stark reality however is that it is our responsibility to provide protection and take precautionary steps when we are in possession of or...
by VDT Attorneys | Jul 16, 2015 | Estate Planning, Family, Personal, Testation, Will
Firstly, and most importantly, it is vitally important that you do have a valid will, as without a valid will, one leaves the decision as to what must happen to your estate and to your children in the hands of others. To determine whether your current will is valid...