Road Accidents and Personal Insurance

Road Accidents and Personal Insurance

That road accidents have reached pandemic proportions in South Africa is well known and is dramatically highlighted by the death toll statistics surrounding our national holiday seasons. In the past Easter holiday season more than 1200 people died on our roads. The...
Road Accidents and Personal Insurance

RAF Undertaking: What does this mean?

In simple words an Undertaking is a contract between the claimant, such as Henry, and the RAF, in terms of which the RAF will reimburse the claimant for reasonable future medical expenses the claimant may incur due to injuries sustained in the motor vehicle accident,...
Road Accidents and Personal Insurance

Road accident injuries: Do I have a claim?

The RAF Act has been amended with the amendments substantially impacting on all claims arising from motor vehicle accidents which occurred after 1 August 2008, and resulting in many victims being unsure of whether they can claim from the RAF or not. The RAF is obliged...

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