Preserving your art legacy: Tax tips for collectors

For art collectors planning to pass their cherished collection down to heirs, it’s crucial to understand the tax implications involved. While your artwork may hold sentimental and financial value, ensuring a smooth transfer requires navigating potential tax liabilities.

Following an individual’s passing, their estate may be subject to various taxes including Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Donations Tax, Estate Duty, and potentially VAT. The specific tax liabilities will vary based on the types of assets in the estate and the taxes for which the deceased was previously registered. Understanding these financial implications is essential for executors and beneficiaries to navigate the complexities of preserving and transferring art and similar collectables to their heirs.

Luxury assets, such as art, offer both enjoyment and potential appreciation in value over time. For art collectors who invest in paintings without engaging in trading, there are several key factors to be considered and addressed as part of your estate planning to ensure that your collection is managed effectively and following your wishes:

Income Tax 

When art is sold by an individual who does not engage in the business of trading art, there is no income tax liability on the proceeds. This means that for collectors who purchase and hold paintings purely for personal enjoyment or investment and do not actively buy and sell as a business or trade, the sale of such art does not generate taxable income and no income tax is payable on these paintings in the deceased estate.

Capital Gains Tax

When selling or transferring art to an heir, Capital Gains Tax will not be applicable in the deceased estate. This is because art is classified as personal use assets, which are exempt from Capital Gains Tax. As a result, the estate will not incur any Capital Gains Tax liabilities from the sale or transfer of these assets. This exemption also applies to other personal belongings such as motor vehicles, caravans, art, stamp collections, furniture, and household appliances, provided they are used primarily for personal rather than trade purposes.


Your estate will neither be liable for VAT nor able to claim VAT on the art.

Estate Duty

Paintings will be included in the estate for estate duty purposes. Their value may be subject to estate duty at rates of 20% or 25% depending on the gross value of the estate. It will be essential for the executor to obtain a valuation of the art for estate duty purposes.

Donations Tax

If art is donated during your lifetime, donation tax may be applicable depending on the value of the art. However, there will be no donations tax on the art in your estate, as these paintings can be bequeathed to beneficiaries according to the wishes outlined in your will.

South African art lovers can enjoy their collectables with the advantage of limited tax implications compared to other investments and assets. Unlike many other forms of investment, the tax burden on art is relatively low, allowing collectors to pass on their valuable items without placing a significant financial burden on their deceased estate. 

If your heirs share your passion for art and have the resources to properly maintain and care for your collection, your art collection can remain in the family as a lasting legacy. However, if your heirs do not have the same interest in art or the means to manage the collection, your executor may need to consider selling the artwork. In this case, it is essential to account for the associated tax implications to ensure that any tax liabilities are handled appropriately.

Navigating the complexities of art collection and estate planning requires careful consideration to ensure your legacy is preserved as intended. Understanding the tax implications can help you manage your collection effectively and minimise potential financial burdens on your heirs.

Our Estate Planning and Tax Advisory teams specialise in guiding art collectors through these intricate matters, ensuring your valuable assets are transferred smoothly and in line with your wishes. Let us help you protect your legacy.


Disclaimer: This article is the personal opinion/view of the author(s) and is not necessarily that of the firm. The content is provided for information only and should not be seen as an exact or complete exposition of the law. Accordingly, no reliance should be placed on the content for any reason whatsoever and no action should be taken on the basis thereof unless its application and accuracy have been confirmed by a legal advisor. The firm and author(s) cannot be held liable for any prejudice or damage resulting from action taken on the basis of this content without further written confirmation by the author(s). 

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