85 Years of Training and Transformation

Since our establishment in 1932, we have been a leading firm grounded on exceeding expectations, being professional and importantly, implementing solutions. Laws regulating BEE and Employment Equity within the realm of corporate culture have been enacted to further the skills set and opportunities of previously disadvantaged individuals. This requirement is not the sole reason why we are a transformative firm.

As part of the solution implementation principle, we understand that not every individual has polished excellence in all areas of service. We see the potential each member brings to the firm and as such, we invest in the training and development of each member, paying specific focus on their area of improvement. What places us in a distinctive position in this regard is that we don’t limit the training opportunities to only those who are employs at VDT Attorneys.

Over the years, we have identified keen-minded and technically proficient people from previously disadvantaged communities and encouraged them to gain relevant work experience and academic education through career planning, appropriate training courses and education bursary schemes. When we picture our commitment to transformation, we see ourselves in it for the long-term and we actively aim towards diversifying our workforce. We have always employed people on the basis of ability, loyalty and subscription to company policies, regardless of sex, culture or race because we have an inherent responsibility to support the development of black legal service providers. Again, focusing on more than just the internal members of our firm, we strive to transform the entirety of the justice system in terms of access to legal assistance. We offer our expertise on a pro bono basis.

May 31, 2018
South Africa: The approach to regulating AI compared with the EU

South Africa: The approach to regulating AI compared with the EU

South Africa is actively working towards effective AI regulation, recognizing the need for
specialized legislation due to AI’s unique challenges and potential for consumer
protection and economic growth. The country’s efforts include the Presidential
Commission Report on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the establishment of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research, and the drafting of an AI Blueprint during its AU
chairmanship, advocating for a unified African AI approach.

Landowners, be fire-wise!

Landowners, be fire-wise!

The beginning of spring can be a time of rejuvenation as colours return and the days become longer and warmer. However, in South Africa, September and October are well-known for their unfavourable winds and dry conditions, and with our climate becoming ever hotter and drier, weather conditions become highly susceptible to veldfires. Landowners should take heed and prepare for veldfires and potential claims for damages associated with veldfires.

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