Best Legal Q&A is a compilation of top legal articles written by legal professionals practising at member firms in the Phatshoane Henney Group of Associated Law Firms. These articles have been written in response to real-life questions and scenarios encountered by professionals during 2019 across the Phatshoane Henney Group. The articles are written in a hands-on question and answer style offering practical solutions and recommendations that are plain to understand and easy to incorporate into everyday life. This publication is a useful reference tool for both informed and uninformed readers and should be kept at hand as a useful resource for answering some of those difficult daily legal questions
South Africa: The approach to regulating AI compared with the EU
South Africa is actively working towards effective AI regulation, recognizing the need for
specialized legislation due to AI’s unique challenges and potential for consumer
protection and economic growth. The country’s efforts include the Presidential
Commission Report on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the establishment of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research, and the drafting of an AI Blueprint during its AU
chairmanship, advocating for a unified African AI approach.