Investing in our human capital

Each firm in the Phatshoane Henney Group recognises that its staff are its most important asset and understands that to deliver the highest quality in service, you must not only have the best but also look after them in the best way. The result is a set of group standards aimed at high staff satisfaction rates through serious investment in firm staff, ensuring that ulitmately member firms are seen as the employers of choice.

“As a group we understand the direct correlation that exists between client satisfaction rates and a firm’s investment in its staff. This presupposes that our staff are not only valuable assets to be effectively utilized by a firm, but are also its internal clients. This inter-relationship between clients and staff forms the backbone of the staff standards group firms have adopted and prioritizes investment by firms in their staff,” remarks Lesley Mokgoro, Head of the Labour Department at Phatshoane Henney Attorneys and Group Regional Director for KwaZulu-Natal and Free State.

“Recognition is a primary human need. By increasing our attention on performance management which in turn supports personal development and staff motivation levels, we inevitably also address this need for recognition. Add to this a focus on creating an organised and efficient working environment and throw in a comprehensive staff development platform, and you end up with a powerful mix driving your staff motivation levels as well as improving the overall client experience of a firm. This is why we have identified our staff satisfaction rates as a key driver of our ability to serve our clients, and why we are investing intensively in staff structures such as performance management systems, communication portals, internal marketing campaigns and training, as well as professional development programmes.

“This investment in our human capital is a long-term strategy which we know will help position firms as preeminent employers and help create a new experience in law firm service delivery – further ensuring that group firms are recognised as a new breed of law firm. To measure our progress we conduct annual climate studies across all group staff and so continually re-evaluate and identify areas for attention to ensure that we remain the number one choice of firm for our staff and clients.”

June 30, 2015

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