News & Articles
You cannot take it with you!
When it comes to what fixtures and fittings goes and what stays in a house move, any property professional will have numerous stories of stinginess and spitefulness of sellers removing, to the horror of the buyers, everything from towel racks, shelves in a bathroom to even all the light bulbs in the house!
Wat van daardie tweede wooneenheid (“granny flat”)?
Die omskepping van ‘n motorhuis of die bou van ‘n “granny flat” ten einde ‘n tweede wooneenheid daar te stel is alledaags. Ons is almal bewus van huise waar so “granny flat” op die eiendom is wat dikwels uitverhuur word. Die potensiaal om passiewe inkomste te skep is iets wat die koopprys van so eiendom ook positief aanpas.
Using a 72 hour clause in property purchase agreements
Sellers strive to obtain the highest price in the shortest period. In practice, property is often sold subject to a suspensive condition, the most common being that that the sale will be null and void if (for example) a loan is not obtained from a bank within fourteen days.
Is u maatskappy se MOI in plek?
Die nuwe Maatskappywet, Wet 71 van 2008 (die “Wet”), het in werking getree op 1 Mei 2011. Die Wet bring grootskaalse wysigings aan die bestaande maatskappyreg tot stand deurdat die Suid-Afrikaanse dispensasie weg beweeg van ‘n oorwegend Engelsregtelike benadering en ‘n meer Amerikaanse benadering volg.
New Phatshoane Henney Group website launched!
The Phatshoane Henney Group of Associated Firms, South Africa’s Largest Association of Law Firms, launched their new group website on 10 February 2012. The website provides broad access to a variety of legal updates and group news, comprehensive member firm profiles, a detailed group service and professionals’ directory as well as a career section detailing vacancies at group firms.
Sectional Titles: Which rules apply here?
To own or rent a property in a sectional title can place far more responsibility on the owner or tenant with regards to compliance with rules and regulations than may be applicable to the owner (or tenant) of a full title property. This is necessary in order to protect the rights of all the owners and tenants in order to allow everyone the full use and enjoyment of their property. If you own or lease a unit in a sectional title scheme, read further and take note of the broader range of rules that may be applicable to you.
Selling your house? Remember your electric fence compliance certificate!
In terms of the Electrical Machinery Regulations, 2011 an additional compliance certificate is needed to effect transfer of immovable property if an electric fence system is installed on the property to be sold. This certificate provides proof that the installed electric fence system complies with the legal requirements for such as system.
The new BEE Act. Closing the loop?
Government has been actively campaigning to address the framework for BEE compliance by businesses. In October 2012 the Draft Amended BEE Codes were promulgated for comment, and although these codes raise many questions and contain numerous discrepancies, it stands clear that Government is intent on tightening the requirements for measuring BEE compliance.
Investec Corporate Cash Manager Certificate of Achievement 2011 awarded to Van der Merwe du Toit inc.
Investec Corporate Cash Manager Certificate of Achievement for the exceptional contribution made to the Investec Corporate Cash Manager during 2011.
Van der Merwe du Toit inc. BEE Verification Certificate
Van der Merwe du Toit inc. BEE Verification Certificate.