Phatshoane Henney Group awards R350,000 in bursaries to 12 candidate attorneys

The Phatshoane Henney Group has at the beginning of 2015 awarded twelve bursaries with a total value of over R350,000 to Black Candidate Attorneys registered to conduct their contract of articles with Group member firms.

“The bursaries were awarded to twelve deserving candidates as part of the Phatshoane Henney Group support initiatives to grow the number of Black professionals in the group. Member firms have set themselves specific targets for the appointment and development of Black professionals at their firms, and the bursary programme is an important group initiative to contribute to the achievement of the targets we have set ourselves,” remarks Group Chair, Douglas Henney.

The bursaries were paid to candidate attorneys via the Phatshoane Henney Foundation, the Group’s registered non-profit organisation which receives its funds from socio-economic contributions made by member firms and their clients and uses donations received to support socio-economic initiatives such the awarding of bursaries and other deserving projects.

The following candidates received bursaries from the Phatshoane Henney Foundation at the beginning of 2015.

  Mapula Maphuta, articling at Cilliers Reynders inc.
  Wilfred Rossouw, articling at Millers inc.
  Sabelo Hlohla articling at Mosdell Pama & Cox inc.
  Nazreen Moosa, articling at Muller Terblanche & Beyers inc.
  Pule Mahloko, articling at Neuman van Rooyen inc.
  Sthabile Myeni, articling at Tatham Wilkes inc.
  Marcello Ross, articling at Van der Spuy & Partners
  Lance McKenzie, articling at Van der Spuy & Partners
  Ntlonti Bhekisisa, articling at Breytenbach Mavuso inc.
  Andrea Pather, articling at Phatshoane Henney Attorneys
  Tata Mokwayi, articling at Phatshoane Henney Attorneys
  Palesa Motau, articling at Phatshoane Henney Attorneys
January 23, 2015
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