VDT/Beeld Children’s Fund Corporate Golf Day

During the recent 12th annual VDT/Beeld Children’s Fund Corporate Golf Day, which was held at Pretoria Country Club, an amount of R 180 000,00 was raised. VDT has during the past three years, donated amounts of R170 000, R200 000 and R180 000 respectively, amounting to a total of R1, 380 000 donated to the Beeld Children’s Fund over the past 12 years. These funds are utilised for the basic and therapeutic needs of many homeless, orphaned and disabled children.

Tydens die onlangse 12de jaarlikse VDT/Beeld-Kinderfonds Korporatiewe Golfdag by die Pretoria Buiteklub, is `n bedrag van R 180 000 ingesamel. Die afgelope drie jaar het VDT onderskeidelik R 170 000, R 200 000 en R 180 000 ingesamel, wat `n totaal van R 1, 380 000 is wat die afgelope twaalf jaar aan Beeld-Kinderfonds geskenk is. Hierdie fondse word aangewend om aan die basiese behoeftes en die terapeutiese versorging van baie minderbevoorregte kinders te voorsien.

R180 000 is vir behoeftige kinders geïn met die jaarlikse VDT/Beeld-Kinderfonds-gholfdag wat by die Pretoriase buiteklub plaasgevind het.

Die hoofborge, wat groot bydraes gelewer het om die dag moontlik te maak, is Charl Mocke (CMV-rekenmeesters), Steinman de Bruyn (VDT-prokureurs), Arnold Prinsloo (Eskort), Johan van der Westhuizen (Aïda), Johan Liebenberg (VDT-prokureurs) en Cindy-Lee van Rooyen (Universal Office Automative Solu-tions). Adrie van Staden (voor regs) van die Beeld-Kinderfonds het die tjek ontvang

March 19, 2015
POPIA: protecting health and sex life data privacy

POPIA: protecting health and sex life data privacy

New draft Regulations to the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPIA)” have been circulated for comment and relate to the processing of health and sex life data. Given the sensitive nature of such information, the fear of many data subjects has circled the unconsented sharing or processing of the data as it pertains to health and sex life. In this article, we take a brief look at the proposed new regulations.

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