KYK! Ons gesels oor persoonlike serwitute, 2-Okt-19

Tiaan Koen werp meer lig op persoonlike serwitute, wat dit behels en hoe ‘n mens te werk gaan om dit te registreer.

Kyk gerus die #GROOTplaas onderhoud van 2 Oktober 2019 weer hier: 

October 11, 2019
Trustee administrative duties under the spotlight

Trustee administrative duties under the spotlight

With new reporting obligations on trustees and SARS intensifying its submission requirements in respect of trust tax returns, no trustee can afford to ignore the administrative duties imposed upon them in terms of common law and statutory law. In this article, we briefly list some of the main administrative duties falling to any trustee.

Don’t gamble with banking details via email

Don’t gamble with banking details via email

Electronic invoices and banking details received via email are commonplace. Do you confirm banking details by telephone? Do you double-check for changed account details? Are you wary of suspicious activity? For many, ignorance is bliss, with invoice and banking details taken at face value and payment made without thought to the potential cybercriminal lurking in the shadows. If this is you, read on about the dire consequences that could follow from such ignorance.

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