Best Legal Q&A 2018/2019

Best Legal Q&A is a compilation of top legal articles written by legal professionals practising at member firms in the Phatshoane Henney Group of Associated Law Firms. These articles have been written in response to real-life questions and scenarios encountered by professionals during 2018 across the Phatshoane Henney Group. The articles are written in a hands-on question and answer style offering practical solutions and recommendations that are plain to understand and easy to incorporate into everyday life. This publication is a useful reference tool for both informed and uninformed readers and should be kept at hand as a useful resource for answering some of those difficult daily legal questions.

June 10, 2019
POPIA: protecting health and sex life data privacy

POPIA: protecting health and sex life data privacy

New draft Regulations to the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPIA)” have been circulated for comment and relate to the processing of health and sex life data. Given the sensitive nature of such information, the fear of many data subjects has circled the unconsented sharing or processing of the data as it pertains to health and sex life. In this article, we take a brief look at the proposed new regulations.

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