by VDT Attorneys | May 8, 2017 | Advertising, Business, Commercial, Information, Marketing, POPI, Technology
Direct marketing practices are considered to be a legitimate business interest for many businesses worldwide and are used primarily for attracting new clients. There are, however, certain do’s and don’ts when it comes to direct marketing practices in South Africa,...
by VDT Attorneys | May 8, 2017 | Business, Company, Contract, Corporate
This is not a straightforward question to answer. Assuming there are no contractual restrictions prohibiting you and ignoring aspects of unlawful competition, the question boils down to whether your fiduciary duty as a director of your current company, prohibits you...
by VDT Attorneys | May 8, 2017 | BEE, Business, Company, Construction
You are correct. The Revised Construction Sector BEE Codes (“Revised Codes”) do make provision for small construction companies to qualify for exempt BEE status, but subject to certain rules which must be understood in order to qualify for the exemption. It should be...
by VDT Attorneys | Oct 7, 2016 | Business, Commercial, Privacy
It is important to understand that confidentiality and attorney-client or legal professional privilege are two different concepts providing different protection. The ambit of confidentiality is much wider than legal professional privilege, and may arise from a...
by VDT Attorneys | Sep 12, 2016 | Antenuptials, Business, Family, Partnerships
South African law has recognised the existence of universal partnerships between spouses married out of community of property since as early as 1945. A universal partnership can be defined as a partnership where each of the parties contribute something towards the...
by VDT Attorneys | Jun 2, 2016 | Business, Commercial, Property
Firstly, I should commend you for including a restraint of trade clause. So many owners sell a business without a proper restraint of trade in place and thereby immediately weakening the value of their investment. Secondly, your concern regarding the conduct of the...