by VDT Attorneys | Dec 14, 2015 | BEE, Business
Any splitting of your business purely for BEE purposes may constitute an offence in terms of the New BEE Codes. The drafters foresaw that a business may be enticed to split into smaller units in order to circumvent their BEE responsibilities and accordingly...
by VDT Attorneys | Nov 9, 2015 | BEE, Business, Commercial
Your experience with your big client is part of the cascade effect that the BEE legislation in South Africa envisages to ensure that companies indirectly (or directly as in your case) place pressure on their suppliers to comply with BEE legislation. Right now, as you...
by VDT Attorneys | Aug 6, 2015 | Business, Transfer, Trust
A trust is a valid business form, and the mere presence of a trust should not invalidate a fair transaction. However the words “this case yet again demonstrates the need to be careful when dealing with a trust” are words that have frequently been uttered by our courts...
by VDT Attorneys | Oct 25, 2012 | Business, Business Rescue
A few years ago, Peter’s father brought in investors as shareholders into the family company to provide much needed capital to finance the purchase of the current warehouse. Concerned about the death of Peter’s father, these investors are now clamouring for returns on...