by VDT Attorneys | May 29, 2024 | Affidavit, Commissioner of Oaths, Electronic signature, Law and technology, Oaths
In the matter of ED Foods SRL vs AFRICA’S BEST (PTY) LIMITED, Case Number 1245/2022, Judge Den Hartog concluded that an objection to the fact that the clients deposed to an affidavit via the virtual platform MS Teams was in order, and that the law should be adaptable...
by VDT Attorneys | Mar 26, 2024 | Electronic signature, Property Development, Property Transfer, Sale, Signed agreement
The Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (hereinafter the “ECTA”) defines an electronic signature as “…data attached to, incorporated in, or logically associated with other data and which is intended by the user to serve as a signature.” Section...
by VDT Attorneys | Jun 14, 2021 | Electronic signature, Will, Wills and estates
In South Africa, the requirements for a valid will are set out in the Wills Act 7 of 1953. The testator or testatrix should be 16 years of age or older, the will must be in writing, and each page of the will including the last page of the document must be signed by...