by VDT Attorneys | Feb 8, 2022 | Debt, Debt Collection, Dispute resolution
To answer your question we must turn to the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (“NCA”). The NCA allows the person that is owed money (the creditor) to, in terms of a credit agreement, levy additional amounts over and above the amount that is owed, such as interest, fees,...
by VDT Attorneys | Feb 25, 2020 | Debt, Debt Collection, Eviction
Uitwinning deur skuldeisers is in vandag se ekonomiese klimaat ‘n toenemende realiteit. Enslin Nel verduidelik wat die regsposisie van boere is rakende die hantering van die uitdaging in hierdie regstreekse uitsending van GROOTplaas op kykNET. Onderhoud datum:...